The L200 is 6 months old!
L200 is now six months old and we invite you to join us and make L200 also your own space in the city!
On November 30th all current and future members of L200 will meet to discuss the experiences from the first experimental period and the future of L200 (General Assembly from 18:00-19:00). Come at 17:30 if you want to become member and vote during the assembly.
From 19:00, we will continue having drinks and informal discussions, until late.
In its first 6 months, L200 has hosted participatory design processes organized by Kalkbreite, international workshops on "organic" digital technologies organized by NetHood, courses by Maxim Theatre, AOZ and Openki, a book presentation on "housing for degrowth" by Neustart Schweiz, film screenings with discussion, and numerous meetings and workshops by grassroots organizations like Transition Zurich, NeNa1, and 5im5i. See more Events
L200 also supported, through exposure on its windows and acting as info point for passers by, a "gewerbe buehne", the crowdfunding campaigns of Chornlade (a local bio-store) and Grassrooted (a new non-profit organization aiming to reduce food waste), the products by CrowdContainer ("more than fair trade") and Sinndrin (fairphone), the activities of Too Good To Go (a new app for reducing food waste), and also the theater play Antigone by Maxim Theatre. See more Projects
Last but not least, L200 has become also an open and welcoming place for neighbours and passers by to step in the L200-Corner everyday between 17:30-19:30 (and often beyond) to share their needs and visions of the space, to learn and discuss about interesting initiatives and developments in the neighbourhood, or just have a social interaction without the need to consume.
We have started also being present in social media, more on Facebook, and soon also on Twitter.