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The Genossenschaft Kalkbreite is one of the first commercial members of the association L200 that runs the space at Langstrasse 200. With its new Zollhaus project, Kalkbreite is present in district 5 and initiates a participatory process for a new free space in the commercial school district.

On the north side of the track next to the Zollhaus there is a last waste land of around 600 to 700 m2. What is to become of it? SBB is prepared to transfer the land to the Genossenschaft Kalkbreite free of charge, which in turn is ready to prepare and operate the land. Kalkbreite now seeks users who support and animate the project!

A new free space in the Gewerbeschulquartier - Information event Monday, 14 May 2018: 19 - 21 o'clock place: Amboss Rampe, Zollstrasse 80, 8005 Zurich

At the event, the Genossenschaft Kalkbreite will inform you about the conditions and looks forward to your ideas.
