Title: New rules, new era!
Dear members and friends of L200,
This time it has been really long since the last you heard from us. It was a difficult period for everyone and we thought to save some energy for better times, that hopefully are coming soon!
So, we inform you briefly on the following important information:
New corona rules: For L200 they mean that small events up to 15 people are now possible given that all safety measures are respected. Now we need to be even more careful than before!
L200 Verein: It is very probable that L200 will not need an “emergency” support for this year, thanks to our spaceholders who have renewed their contribution for 2021 despite the overall uncertainty. Thanks to all, including the city of Zurich that adjusted the rent for L200 during the lockdown.
L200 survived the Corona crisis, but we will need your help to re-open the space and make it useful both for its members and the neighbourhood. Contact info@langstrasse200.ch if you are interested to contribute. For example, opening the space 1-2 days per month, participating in installing L200’s permanent collection of books, projects, and initiatives, helping with L200’s presence on social media, and more.
Pass by: Here is what is going on these days at L200:
- May 7, 7pm: The 7at7 series has a new face and a new concept. Join us at https://7at7.digital or at L200! In May7at7 in addition to the digital news of the month we present the pep.foundation that fights for our privacy and security online.
- May 8, 3pm: L200 participates in Tsuri & Urban Equipe Parcours “Misch dich ein!”, hosting 5 different projects: 5im5i, Transition Zurich, NeNa1, Secondas, QV5. More details: https://tsri.ch/parcours/
- May 11. 7pm: The regular upcycling sewing workshop by NoSweatShop and Transition Zurich are re-starting. Check here: https://nosweatshop.ch/2021/01/11/daten-2021-im-l200/
- May 12, 3pm (and every Wednesday): a new cooking group has started slowly in the last month. Join and stay updated through this etherpad document: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Zmittagstisch_L200
Take a look: During the lockdown many nice windows were installed at L200, and some are still there, like the Neustart Schweiz’s collection of local Solawie projects, the Fashion week installation by NoSweatShop, the NeNa1’s neighbourhood scene, and the Atelier Pnoe’s pop-up shop. We are looking forward to more interesting ideas for window displays since placing alternative voices in the central stage of the neighbourhood is one of L200’s raison d’etre. See https://langstrasse200.ch/schaufenster/
Be a L200 member: All current L200 members will receive their 2021 membership fee invoice in June. Please let us know if you don’t wish to remain a member to save us from unnecessary effort. And please join us if you want to support L200 in a simple and effective way. We hope to remain around 100 engaged members (out of 150 today registered), and reach 200 by the end of 2021 :-) https://langstrasse200.ch/pub/en/mitgliedschaft
See you at L200!
The L200 team.
Atelier Pnoe was L200's first pop-up shop after a long period of inactivity. It went very well and generated a lot of interest for more pop-up shops! Stay tuned to this special website: https://langstrasse200.ch/popup/
Five SoLaWi initiatives from the Zurich region are presented in the Neustart Schweiz shop window in the L200: Ortoloco, Pura Verdura, Basimilch, Mehr Als Gmües and Pflanzplatz Dunkelhölzli. Note that ortoloco is still looking for members for its "half subscription"! More info at: https://ortoloco.ch/
Every 7th of the month at 7pm, the L200 turns into a TV studio for alternative news from the digital world. See: https://7at7.digital/. And https://langstrasse200.ch/netroom/ for how to use the L200 as a professional online studio.
Many thanks to Guido Holenstein, our volunteer graphic designer, who created a beautiful manual to answer the question "What is this?"! It is available from L200 in various formats and you can also download it here: https://langstrasse200.ch/pub/en/raum/L200-manual-2021.pdf
Join the L200 cooking group every Wednesday at 1pm. It's nice to be able to eat together again. More info: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Zmittagstisch_L200
Some unconventional uses popped up at L200 during the lockdown, like a portrait painting studio!