Title: Long time no see
Dear friends of L200,
We tried hard to reduce this delayed newsletter to three important announcements:
L200 is in a transition period, many new exciting cooperations are under way and we are calling for members to get engaged in the project in different ways. See here for a short summary of recent activity and our new flyer: https://langstrasse200.ch/pub/en/home/transition
Tomorrow Friday September 16, L200 participates again in the Parking Day, with the help of the Mietenplenum. The playful workshops start at 17:00, and many cool activities will be taking place in the parking places on the Neugasse, on the side of L200. See https://langstrasse200.ch/pub/en/home/parkingday-2022
After 19:00, and often from now on, we welcome L200 members and their friends for an improvised apero, the so-called “Bring Your Own” or BYO nights at L200, as described here including a short video from the test event last Friday: https://langstrasse200.ch/pub/en/home/bring-your-own
Since we got feedback that the long newsletter with activity lists does not help to keep track of the L200 activities, we will reduce the newsletter on topics related to the L200 Verein, and related community events. Please follow our social media channels, if you would like to keep up with the latest news at L200.
Our calendar also is a simple way when one wants to actively check what is happening (check for “public” events): https://langstrasse200.ch/calendar/
See you at L200!
The L200 team
P.S. A few impressions of activities at L200 the last months